Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

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Day 2 Wednesday 17 March 2010 Learning and assessment in the technological age

Title Presenter(s)

The educated intellectual's guide to mobile learning part 1

part 2 and part 3

part 4 and part 5

Mr Andrew Pellow, ALPS IT Chair University of Leeds, Mr John Fairhall, University of Bradford, Mr Robert Campbell, ecommnet, Ms Tamsin Treasure-Jones, ALPS Core Team, Mrs Julie Laxton, ALPS Teaching Fellow University of Leeds, Mr Gareth Frith, University of Leeds

The MEDS project: an agile approach to developing an accessible IT solution


Mr John Fairhall, Mobile Technology Advisor, Mr Stuart Walker, Ms Jak Radice & Dr Chris Dearnley, University of Bradford

Minding the gap: addressing student expectations of learning and assessment in relation to current practice in the use of e-portfolios


Ms Anne-Marie Howes, Ms Tamsin Treasure-Jones & student members of the ALPS e-portfolio team

The value of e-assessment for interprofessional education and large student numbers


Ms Mellissa Owens, Interprofessional Learning Co-ordinator, John Dermo & Fiona MacVane, University of Bradford

Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) charts for medical student peripheral venous cannulation; development of a difficulty-adjusted CUSUM


Dr Harry Murgatroyd, Specialist Registrar in Anaesthesia & John Jones,  Consultant Anaesthetist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, Sumaiyak Kola & David George, Medical students, University of Leeds

Transforming the student experience learning through simulation


Mr Mick Harper, Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth

Evaluation of the ALPS assessment processes – overview of outcomes


Dr Chris Dearnley, ALPS Teaching Fellow (University of Bradford), Dr Jill Taylor, ALPS Teaching Fellow (Leeds Metropolitan University), Ms Julie Laxton, ALPS Teaching Fellow (University of Leeds), Ms Maria Parks, York St John University