Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

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Day 1 Tuesday 16 March 2010 Working in partnership to improve employability

Title Presenter(s)

Embedding the concept of competency maps to improve the student learning experience and preparation for work based learning and employability


Ms Catherine Coates, ALPS CETL Teaching Fellow (Leeds Metropolitan University) & Ms Sue Smith, Leeds Metropolitan University

The Service User and Carer Working Group’s journey through the ALPS programme


Ms Christine Rhodes, University of Huddersfield & ALPS partners

"It Ain't What You Do, It's The Way That You Do It! That's What Gets Results!"


Mr Christopher Murray, University of Leeds

Competent to practice? – Using the ALPS interprofessional assessment tools to enhance learning


Mrs Julie Laxton, ALPS Teaching Fellow, University of Leeds & Dr Janet Hargreaves, University of Huddersfield

The Impact of Service User Teaching on Mental Health Nursing Students


Mr Jon Perry, University of Plymouth

Beliefs, Knowledge and Knowing: Exploring their relationship with interprofessional assessment


Dr Chris Dearnley, ALPS Teaching Fellow (University of Bradford), Ms Melissa Owens, University of Bradford

CIPA: the Competency in Practice Assessment: evaluation of health and social care students’ perception of their competence



Mr Ian Warwick, ALPS Partner Lead (University of Huddersfield), Sam Miller, University of Huddersfield, Dr Joe Cortis & Mrs Julie Laxton, ALPS Teaching Fellow, University of Leeds, & Ms Melissa Owens, University of Bradford

The value of skills days for foundation doctors


Dr G Tunnicliffe, Imperial College London
Learning from clinical placements: Vets, OTs, Pharmacists and Social Workers

Professor Roger Murphy, Director of Institute of Research into Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, School of Education, University of Nottingham, Dr RuoLan Wang & Ms Liz Mossop, University of Nottingham, & Ms Kirsty Magnier, Royal Veterinary College

The personalisation agenda: The service User role in practice learning

Ms Jane McLenachan, Principal Lecturer, Social Work, Social Care & Community Studies Department, Sheffield Hallam University