Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

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ALPS Collaborative Networks

The HEFCE-funded ALPS CETL programme ended in September 2010, but the ALPS work continues.

The HEFCE programme demonstrated the benefits of the collaborative working across institutions and professions: producing valuable outputs (tools, resources and reports) for the wider education community, which are available from this site. Over the next year the ALPS Core team will be working to extend, embed and disseminate the outputs of ALPS.

At the same time, six ALPS Collaborative Networks have been formed to take the ALPS work forward; these draw on the shared interests and expertise that have developed over the 5 years and focus on the following ALPS areas:

Each network brings together staff from across the whole ALPS Partnership and will continue the ALPS work, not only embedding the existing resources, but also working to understand and shape the future of Higher Education and practice-based education. Please contact the network leads if you are interested in joining the network.

The outputs that ALPS has achieved is the source of great pride and satisfaction to all who have been involved in the CETL, students, staff and service users but the fact that this work is to be the foundation for new endeavours is particularly rewarding.



Further Information

About ALPS

ALPS History

ALPS Conference 2013 - Enhancing employability and work-based learning
On 24th April 2013 the ALPS Networks hosted a day at the Rose Bowl, Leeds to disseminate their work to date. to view presentations from the day please click here.

ALPS Showcase 2011
On 16th September 2011 ALPS hosted a day at Weetwood Hall to celebrate the work of the ALPS Networks. Click here to view the presentations from the day.