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e-portfolio Network

Lead: Niall Dew

The aim of this network is To share good practice and expertise among ALPS partner sites in the use of e-portfolios for reflective learning, measurement of professional competencies, personal development planning, enterprise & entrepreneurship, and employability and gain a better understanding of how e-portfolios can be used to effectively enhance the student experience

The Network funded a number of mini-projects which looked at various aspects of using e-portfolios. These mini-projects then presented an e-portfolio carousel at the ALPS Showcase event on 16th Sept 2011.

Title: Peer Reviewed Experience of Portfolio Aggregation; Reflections and Evaluation (PREPARE) for assessment of learning
Staff: Iwi Ugiagbe-Green
Institution: Leeds Metropolitan University

Title: No title provided - To evaluate the use of e-portfolios in response to external examiner feedback and module team concerns about the quality and usefulness of paper-based portfolios and key social work policy recommendations about reflective learning and effective and efficient use of resources
Staff: Mary Harrison; Anne Llewellyn; David Mercer
Institution: Leeds Metropolitan University

Title: Year abroad e-portfolio toolkit
Staff: Mara Fuertes-Gutiérrez Juan Muñoz López
Institution: Leeds Metropolitan University

Title: No title provided - Looking at understanding the ways that students use media, more flexibly and creatively, as evidence against the professional standards for teaching and the richness of reflection that an e-portfolio can encourage.
Staff: David Parton
Institution: Leeds Metropolitan University

Title: Bridging the gap.  An evaluation of the introduction and use of a free e-portfolio tool on two courses in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at Leeds Met.
Staff: Rob Shaw, Katie Peck, Jenny Landells, Sarah James
Institution: Leeds Metropolitan University

Title: Vineyard: Using an e-portfolio system to facilitate the development of learner generated video-vignettes
Staff: James McDowell (2011 Winner of the ALT-C Epigeum Award for Most Effective Use of Video in an Educational or Training Context)
Institution: University of Huddersfield

Title: Using e-portfolio as summative assessment within a Professional Development module for sport related programmes
Staff: Andy Buckton
Institution: York St John University















ALPS Showcase eportfolio stand
The e-portfolio network stand at the ALPS Showcase event 16th Sept 2011