A Prezi presentation has been created to showcase all the various elements of ALPS - http://prezi.com/h2d6npt-qso4/the-alps-story/

ALPS was a collaboration between five Higher Education Institutions: the University of Bradford, the University of Huddersfield, the University of Leeds (lead); Leeds Metropolitan University, and York St John University. The partnership included 16 health and social care professions; from Audiology to Social Work, and a wide range of partners including Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority, practice networks and professional bodies.
The ALPS mission was to explore ways which ensured that students from courses in Health and Social Care graduate fully equipped to perform confidently and competently at the start of their professional careers. To achieve this ALPS undertook research and development work to identify, evaluate and support excellent practice in assessment and learning in practice settings.
The ALPS research and development work in these areas produced a range of resources (teaching and learning tools as well as publications and reports) which are available from this website and are free for educational use. The areas of significant experience and expertise which the ALPS partnership developed included mobile learning, competency mapping, inter-professional assessment, reflective tools development, ePortfolios, accessibility, service user and carer engagement and collaborative working. Whilst ALPS focussed on health and social care professions, the lessons learned and tools developed have a much wider applicability and are being picked up outside the healthcare field. This wider applicability will become even more apparent as more universities adopt work or practice-based approaches to delivering their courses.
ALPS (Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings) was set up as a Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) under the HEFCE CETL programme running from 2005-2010. The HEFCE funding came to an end in September 2010, but the CETL continued thanks to funding from the NHS Yorkshire and Humber and the commitment of the ALPS Partners to taking the ALPS work forward through the ALPS Collaborative Networks.