A fundamental part of the ALPS Programme was the creation of generic assessment tools for use in practice. The formative assessment tools were mapped to three identified Common Competences; Communication, Team Working and Ethical Practice.
Across multiple health and social care professions, these tools allow students to gather feedback from practice assessors of their own profession and from other occupations, supporting the development of interprofessional collaboration. The tools include sections on self reflection, interprofessional peer and practice assessor feedback and where appropriate, service user and carer feedback.
Throughout the ALPS programme we have developed and evaluated the 5 ALPS assessment tools:
Click on the links above to view the current version of the tools. If you wish to use these tools please note our copyright statement

ALPS Assessment Tools by ALPS CETL are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at www.alps-cetl.ac.uk.
We have been concerned to evaluate the educational impact, acceptability and feasibility of these assessments as well as their psychometric properties. Following the first phase of the evaluation the tools were revised in a workshop including representatives from University tutors and service users. The Sept10 publication of the ALPS tools marks the end of the first stage of the ongoing Tools Review.
We have also developed a package of supporting materials which draw on our learning across the ALPS programme and aim to provide practical guidance for people wishing to use the tools