The work of ALPS is based on the hypothesis that if students receive feedback from different sources in diverse practice situations, then confidence, competence, assessment reliability and interprofessional working skills will all be improved.
Rosie - Student
"The Maps were really useful because most of the time I don't stop to think about the new things I'm doing on placement, the new skills I am gaining and demonstrating. So by trying to think of examples of times I have demonstrated or achieved a criteria or competence it really helps me reflect on how I am developing my skills and competences. Also, the criteria help the things I am doing day-in-day-out sound more professional and this will be useful for expressing my skills, in a CV for example."
Communication skills, Team Working and Ethical Practice were selected as the initial competences to focus on as they are common across the QAA benchmarks and professional bodies’ regulatory occupational standards for all 16 professions covered by ALPS. The three Common Competency Maps have been used as a framework from which the ALPS assessment tools have been built. Click on the images on the right to view interactive versions of the maps.
The common competency network developed the Patient Safety map, using the ALPS competency mapping process. Members of this network came from the ALPS partner universities and also included experts from practice to ensure a robust educational resource. This map complements and enhances the 3 existing maps.
Also using the ALPS competency mapping process, the Enterprise CETL at Leeds Metropolitan University, developed the Enterprise map.
If you would like to learn more about the process of creating Common Competency Maps, or you are interested in adapting the ALPS Maps to suit your requirements, please contact the ALPS Common Competency and Patient Safety Network via Catherine Coates
Interprofessional education is a crucial element of all health and social care programmes and the common competency maps enable consistent, agreed and comprehensively understood language, which is essential for working together effectively and improving patient safety. For further information about Interprofessional Education contact;
Shelley Fielden, Interprofessional Education Co-ordinator;
Julie Laxton, Teaching Fellow Interprofessional Education;
Downloadable versions of the maps are available, click on the links below
ALPS Communication Map
ALPS Team Working Map
ALPS Ethical Practice Map
New! ALPS Patient Safety Map
An app version of the Maps is available here
A web based mobile-friendly version of the Maps is available here
If you wish to use these maps please note our copyright statement

ALPS Competency Maps by ALPS CETL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at