Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

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16th September 2011

Title Presenter(s)



Sharon Oliver - Associate Director of Education Commissioning & Workforce Development, Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority

A - Patient Safety interprofessional competency map - the undergraduate curriculum

Anne Marie Reid (University of Leeds), Julie Laxton (University of Leeds)

B - Patient Safety interprofessional competency map – the patient’s story

Julie Laxton (University of Leeds), Joannie Tate (Service User)

C - Patient safety interprofessional competency map – impact for clinical skills

Catherine Coates (Leeds Metropolitan University)

D and E - Mobile Learning Apps  

Neil Morris (University of Leeds), Joan Lu (University of Huddersfield), Paul Dagg (University of Huddersfield), Robert Campbell (eCommnet), Sarah Pearman (University of Leeds), Peter Selleck (Leeds Metropolitan University), Edwin Bosire (University of Leeds), Andrew Sills

F - Mobile Higher Education

Andy Pellow (University of Leeds), John Fairhall (University of Bradford), Nancy Davies (University of Leeds)

G - ALPS Mobile Learning Network

Andy Pellow (University of Leeds)

H and I - ePortfolio carousel

Jill Taylor (Leeds Metropolitan University)

J and K - The personal benefits and impact of getting involved – my story

Joannie Tate (Service User), Susan Thornton (Service User), Ken Townend (Service User), Jools Symons (University of Leeds), Christine Rhodes (University of Huddersfield)
L and M - Confident to practice? Using the Competency in Practice Assessment tool to support professional development  

Janet Hargreaves (University of Huddersfield), Julie Laxton (University of Leeds)

N - Disabled Students: Enabled Practitioners

Chris Dearnley (University of Bradford)

O - AceRep - Towards a local, regional and national infrastructure for sharing medical teaching, learning and assessment material

Nick Sheppard (Leeds Metropolitan University)

P - Undergraduate students’ use of mobile devices for studying – can a tablet device enhance study habits?

Neil Morris (University of Leeds), Sylvia Hepworth (University of Huddersfield)

Q - EU mobile apps - Mobile in classrooms

Joan Lu (University of Huddersfield)