Knowing the type of patients or conditions that might predispose a patient to suffer an ADR and knowing the types of drug that cause most adverse drug reactions will help you when you are prescribing. Make sure the dose and drug choice are appropriate for the age of the patient. Always discuss the possibility of side effects with patients and listen and react to their concerns. If patients decide to continue treatment, ensure they receive counselling on the correct use of medicines and what to do if they do suspect side effects. Barry et al (2000) suggest that wanting to know about possible side effects is often part of an unvoiced agenda patients have at a consultation. In addition:

- always include a detailed drug history in the consultation;
- only use drug treatments when there is a clear indication;
- stop drugs that are no longer necessary;
- check the dose and response, especially in the young, elderly and those with renal, hepatic or cardiac disease

Before you prescribe:

Ensure the patient understands the likely benefits of the medication but also the risks associated. You could use patient information leaflets to inform your discussions. These can be accessed on

Patients may not be aware that the generic drug they are being given by you is the same as the brand drug they got some years ago and reacted badly to. People forget!

Copyright eBook 2019, University of Leeds, Leeds Institute of Medical Education.