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ALPS Mobile Services Platform

Part of the ALPS programme of work was the delivery of e-learning tools to mobile devices via a shared Mobile Services Platform, a unique IT solution with a central service that tied into the authentication, student data and virtual learning systems of each of the five partner HEIs. It was a complex e-learning package including interprofessional assessment tools alongside the students’ use of the devices for immediate reflective learning through audio, visual and text capture. All content was encrypted and securely uploaded via the Mobile Services Platform to an e-portfolio, anytime, anywhere. The platform ensured secure authentication, encryption, device management and data back-up. These solutions integrated seamlessly to produce a robust e-learning platform called the ALPS Assessment Suite which crossed the traditional institutional IT boundaries.

ALPS had a large scale implementation of 1000+ users with a comprehensive central support service at its heart. Located at the University of Bradford, a leader in the m-learning arena, the Mobile Services Platform integrated into their existing IT and support architecture with a dedicated member of staff experienced in mobile technology. Support was provided by phone, email and MMS and a purpose built set of web services including online bespoke guides, videos and discussion areas which promoted peer support.

The IT model was jointly funded and centrally administrated, enabling the five HEIs to provide a more optimum, cost-effective service than if provided individually; which would have cost them three times as much in hardware and software. We worked to agree a strategy of access to the relevant parts of each HEIs IT systems to enable integration of the relevant software and exchange of student data assimilating all institutional regulations regarding data protection and IT security. To achieve this was no small feat and involved the agreement of the senior Academic, IT and Legal staff in each HEI, building relationships and bringing together shared wisdom to create a solid legal framework cemented by the signing of a Contract of Use by each participant. Significantly all partners agreed to a joint funding model for the Mobile Services Platform which they then agreed to extend for a further year.

These relationships enabled the development of future IT collaboration. To that end we have engaged key IT strategists from each institution to begin the process of examining the concept of shared services. We have increased the HE sector’s understanding about the architecture and topology of supporting learners at a distance. This study also has the potential to scale up to include larger groups of devices and partners with institutions buying in to the support model to enable cost-effective provision of a wide resource set directly benefiting both students and staff.

To find out more about the ways in which ALPS progressed integration with University IT systems click here.




The ALPS Assessment Suite and ALPS Mobile Assessment Client have been created through a partnership between the companies My Knowledge Map® and ecommnet.