Mobile Technologies Pilot Projects
The ALPS Mobile Technologies Programme began with a series of pilots with Health and Social Care students and staff at each of the five HEI partners. Find out more about these pilots and their outcomes here.
Mobile Technologies Procurement
Using the outcomes from the pilots, ALPS developed a specification and architecture for the provision of mobile technology support for assessment and learning. As part of the capital grant ALPS then tendered for the provision of components of this architecture in the areas of Mobile Devices, Mobile Networks, a mobile services platform to support the mobile devices and tools to generate assessments for mobile devices. More...
Mobile Services Platform
The creation, distribution and storing of assessment tools on mobile devices was supported through the ALPS Mobile Services Platform. Housed at Bradford the platform provided services to the 5 ALPS Partners. More...
Assessment and Learning Technologies Rollout and Implementation
ALPS worked with its technology partners to provide the ALPS Assessment Suite. This section covers the roll out to 900 Health and Social Care Students. More....
Further SHA Funding
The SHA funded a number of IT extension projects. More.... |