VLE Enhancements
As part of the Additional Capital awarded to ALPS in July 2006 we commissioned projects to assist us in enhancing Virtual Learning Environments. We also looked at access to Digital Repositories and how they can make the management of new media objects such as video clips, images, audio clips and text easier.
For the August 2006 document describing the work we commissioned click here.
Wireless CIC
The Wireless Technologies Centre of Industrial Collaboration (Wireless CiC) based at the University of Bradford and Leeds, provides expert advice, analysis and support on wireless technologies. The Wireless CiC produced a report for ALPS on wireless technologies and trends which helped form a part of the Mobile Technologies Project.
Blackboard Integration
ALPS engaged consultants from BlackBoard (including WebCT) to investigate how to develop the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for assessment and mobile technologies. In order to do this, a programme of interviews took place with members of the ALPS partners and professions to understand what assessment methods already existed in practice settings and who the major players are. Blackboard is the main supplier of VLEs to the ALPS HEI partners. There are some useful "Use Case" descriptions in the report.
Digital Respositories
York St John University and Leeds Metropolitan University created Learning and Assessment Objects and managed them in a digital repository and a VLE. University of Leeds library staff were involved in this project and provided the digital repository and the work to connect to the VLE. For the completed York St John videos click here