ALPS Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies Seminar 2006
Working in Partnership:
ALPS and the Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Bodies
Wednesday 13 September 2006
University of Leeds
ALPS hosted the inaugural seminar of the Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) of the sixteen professional subjects involved with the ALPS programme. The aims of the seminar were to provide participants with the opportunity to:
develop understanding of the ALPS programme and its relationship with the PSRBs for professional regulation purposes
establish a spirit of partnership between the PSRBs and ALPS
identify strategies to work with PSRBs to take ALPS forward
identify potential barriers to implementing inter-professional assessment
identify preferred mechanisms, including effective communication, for future engagement
The seminar provided the opportunity to consult the PSRBs on the general direction of the ALPS programme of work. As a result of the consultation it was agreed that ALPS and the PSRBs would continue to consult in order to address the issues raised.
The seminar programme is shown below with the accompanying presentations.
Welcome Cathy Doggett, ALPS Partner Lead (University of Huddersfield)
Introducing ALPS Trudie Roberts, ALPS Director
ALPS – Interprofessional Assessment Jeff Lucas, ALPS Partner (University of Bradford) & Lay Member of the Health Professions Council
Common Competences update Sara Eastburn, ALPS Partner (Leeds Metropolitan University)
Identifying issues - small group discussions Led by Peter Gray ALPS Partner Lead (York St John University)
Feedback from small group discussions
Addressing issues & developing strategies – small group discussions & poster session Led by Chris Stogdon ALPS Partner (University of Huddersfield) &
Chris Dearnley ALPS Partner (University of Bradford)