Monday 8th September 2008
Leeds Metopolitan University
Congratualtions to all who contributed to the ALPS Showcase 2008 and made it such a stimulating and successful day!
Using the wealth of experience and knowledge of partners, ALPS (Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings) CETL ran a series of showcase sessions covering aspects of using and deploying mobile technologies for technology-assisted learning in the work place.
The workshops covered how ALPS has developed both formal and informal assessment tools and is using mobile devices to improve the student experience. We discussed the challenges of embedding both the technology and the pedagogy in to courses and infrastructure. Also covered was how we are developing and managing learning objects for mobile devices, as well as relaying our experiences of how effective this technology can be for supporting students in work based practice
The event was kindly sponsored by MyKnowledgeMap® one of ALPS' commercial partners and the venue was provided by Leeds Metropolitan University.
Below is the Showcase programme and accompanying presentations. If you attended please do give us your feedback.
11.30 |
Sally Brown, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Assessment, Learning and Teaching) Leeds Metropolitan University |
11.45 |
The Challenge of Mobile Learning in Work Based Practice
John Sandars (Academic Lead for e-Learning, Medical Education Unit, University of Leeds) |
 John Sandars |
12.00 |
The Experience of Mobile Technology for Assessment and Learning
Gareth Frith (Technology Enhanced Learning Manager, School of Medicine, University of Leeds) and Tamsin Treasure-Jones (ALPS Mobile Technlogies Project Manager) |
Gareth Frith and Tamin Treasure-Jones
13.00 |
Session 1
Developing Interprofessional Skill and Competency Maps
Julie Laxton (ALPS Teaching Fellow, University of Leeds), Catherine Coates (ALPS Teaching Fellow, Leeds Metropolitan University) and Rob Arnsten (Managing Director, MyKnowledgeMap)
Embedding Mobile Technology in Learning
Chris Dearnley (ALPS Site Lead and University Learning and Teaching Fellow, University of Bradford)
Mobilography - Capturing Images for Learning
John Sandars (Academic Lead for e-Learning, Medical Education Unit, University of Leeds) |
Julie Laxton, Catherine Coates and Rob Arnsten
Chris Dearnley
John Sandars
13.55 |
Session 2
Student Interaction with Mobile Technologies
Niall Dew (Senior Lecturer, University of Huddersfield) and Viktoria Joynes (ALPS Research Officer)
Embedding Mobile Technology in Infrastructure
Gareth Frith (Technology Enhanced Learning Manager, School of Medicine, University of Leeds)
Role of Personal Learning Spaces in Work Based Learning and Assessment
Tom Holland (MyKnowledgeMap) |
Niall Dew and Viktoria Joynes
Gareth Frith
15.00 |
Session 3
Delivering Resources for Mobile Learning: Reusable Learning Objects
Jill Taylor and Catherine Coates (ALPS Teaching Fellows, Leeds Metropolitan University) and Maria Parks (ALPS Teaching Fellow, York St John University)
Developing the ALPS Assessment Tools
Tom Holland (MyKnowledgeMap), Julie Laxton (ALPS Teaching Fellow, University of Leeds) and Nancy Davies (ALPS Learning Technologist)
Usability, Diversity and Inclusion: Meeting the needs of students with disabilities
Stuart Walker (University of Bradford) |
Tom Holland, Julie Laxton and Nancy Davies
13.55 |
Plenary Session
Themes and Challenges to Mobile Learning and Assessment: A discussion on working together to make it happen