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21st November 2008 - The Institute for Enterprise at Leeds Metropolitan University is hosting an inspiring event that aims to highlight enterprise in the curriculum as well as offer insights into the ways that enterprise can help change society for the better. The 'Enteprise Matters' day will be of particular interest to academic staff and those with an interest in social enterprise. For more information and to book your place please contact Liz Carter on

19th November 2008 - The Institute for Enterprise at Leeds Metropolitan University is hosting an evening talk from Ben Keene from BBC2's Tribewanted who will be speaking about his experience of setting up a unique community tourism project that is simultaneously based on Vorovoro Island, Fiji and online. For more information and to book your place please contact Liz Carter on

17th November 2008 - At ASME 2008 which this year is focussing on 'Researching Learning and Assessment in the Clinical Workplace', Gareth Frith will be presenting 'ALPS CETL: Use of mobile technology in assessment in clinical work settings'.

5th November 2008 - ALPS presented a demonstration of the full ALPS Assessmet Suite. Showcasing the creation, distribution, Completion and Storage of the ALPS mobile assessment tools.

4th November 2008 - Issue 13 of the ALPS bulletin is now available -

13th - 15th October 2008 - ALPS was well represented at this years Handheld Learning conference in London. The ALPS partners had an exhibition stand and Gareth Frith presented a short paper called 'Mobile Learning and Assessment for University Work based Practice’.

7th - 10th October 2008 - ALPS was represented at MLearn 2008 in Wolverhampton by Chris Dearnley and Gareth Frith. They presented the paper 'Engaging Health and Social Care Students in Mobile Assessment and Learning'

October 2008 - Alis Racey from York St John University has completed a trial looking at the use of e-portfolios. Read the results here -

8th September 2008 - The ALPS pre-ALT-C showcase day was a great success and very well attended. To view the presentations for the day please visit ALPS Showcase Presentations.

14th July 2008 - Issue 12 of the ALPS bulletin is now available -

9th July 2008 - ALPS is pleased to announce that it will be running a pre-conference workshop at the 2008 ALT-C Conference which is to be held at the University of Leeds. The ALPS showcase programme is now available.

3rd June 2008 - Jill Taylor (Leeds Met) and Nancy Davies (ALPS Core Team) represented ALPS at the Leeds Metropolitan University's Technology and Learning Day organised by the Enteprise CETL. For more information go to the Leeds Metropolitan University website -

5th May 2008 - ALPS would like to welcome Tamsin Treasure-Jones to the role of ALPS Mobile Technologies Project Manager replacing Gareth Frith. Many thanks to Gareth for all his hard work. Tamsin will now be the main point of contact for all enquires relating to ALPS Mobile Technology and the supporting ALPS Mobile Services Platform.

30th April 2008 - ALPS is hosting a CETL Conference - 'Capturing and Building on Excellence' at the University of Leeds to exchange ideas and learning on Assessment Practices. If you are interested in presenting or attending please contact Ceri Coulby at Learning from this day will be made available on this website.

17th March 2008 - The poster presented by ALPS at the MEDEV 'ePortfolios, identity and personalised learning in healthcare education' conference in Newcastle won best poster

12th March 2008 - Julie Laxton (ALPS Teaching Fellow at Leeds) and Helen Mistry (ALPS Core Team) presented at the HEA Festival of Learning Conference in Carlisle. It was a joint workshop with Prof. Susan Lea and Dr. Lynne Callaghan from the CEPPL CETL at Plymouth.

3rd March 2008 - Leeds University Union hosted a CETL workshop to showcase to students the work of the five CETLs Leeds is involved with. It was an extremely well attend evening and was rounded off by a draw for a lucky student to win a mobile phone which was provided by ALPS partner T-Mobile. For further information view the Leeds CETL website

28th February 2008 - ALPS had a significant presence at the MEDEV 'ePortfolios, identity and personalised learning in healthcare education' conference in Newcastle. Trudie Roberts (ALPS Director) was a keynote speaker and ALPS presented a poster. For full conference details and papers see the MEDEV news page

22nd February 2008 - Issue 11 of the ALPS Bulletin is now available. Further details are in the Resources section of this website in the Bulletin section

22nd February 2008 - ALPS had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Susan Lea and Dr. Lynne Callaghan from CEPPL at the University of Plymouth. It was a valuable day of exchanging ideas and planning future collaborations. We look forward to jointly presenting with them at the Festival of Learning 2008 in March.

January 2008 - After 18 months the Common Competency Mapping is finally complete! Well done to all in the Common Competency Mapping Working Group. See Issue 11 of the Bulletin for further information on the completed maps and the next stage of the process - building the assessment tools. The completed maps can be viewed from the Mapping Common Competences page.

10th January 2008 - Gareth Frith from the ALPS Core Team presented a workshop called 'Engaging with Mobile Technologies for Learning and Assessment Purposes' at the University of Leeds 2008 Learning and Teaching Conference

9th January 2008 - Ceri Coulby from the ALPS Core Team created a podcast which is now available on the about ALPS page. This introduction to ALPS highlights the overall aims of the programme as well as some of the work we have already undertaken.



Leeds Metropolitan University hosted the ALPS pre-conference workshop for ALT-C 2008 at Old Broadcasting House.