ICU Learning outcomes Method of teaching and content area Specific examples of drugs used Assessment Tomorrow’s doctors mapping
Year 5 • Integrate basic science, clinical method and clinical skills into initial and subsequent patient management plans.
• Devise simple logical early management plans for patients, including the safe use and prescribing of medication and basic knowledge of common and emergency drug doses.
Placement: review of drug prescriptions and medical treatment of patients seen on wards/Primary Care.

Students have frequent opportunity to either perform "supervised prescribing" completing drug prescriptions which will be signed by the qualified medical staff, or practice prescribing on drug charts.

Reviewing medications on admission and as part of discharge process

Prescribing workshops
- Medicines Reconciliation & Care of Elderly
- Rationale use of antibiotics
- Anticoagulation
- Fluid Balance
- Controlled drugs and Pain
- Prescribing Insulin

Lectures common drugs in management of patients with a range of core conditions
All of the basic, common and emergency drugs listed in the student formulary Self directed proforma, Written papers OSCE

Placement assessments: Case-based discussions in each placement and include assessment of student understanding of management of the patient presented Practical skills portfolio during their placements which has a significant medicines management section which is mandatory.
TD 8d, 14g, 16b,17a-d

TD 8d, 14g, 16b,17a-d





Copyright eBook 2019, University of Leeds, Leeds Institute of Medical Education.