ICU Learning outcomes Method of teaching and content area Specific examples of drugs used Assessment Tomorrow’s doctors mapping
GOSH (Year 4) • An understanding of female reproductive physiology and how commonly used drugs act on these systems

• Management of menstrual problems
• The principles and problems of prescribing in obstetrics
• Drugs used in for prematurity
• Drugs used in labour and delivery
• An understanding of the principles and methods of contraception

• An ability to describe the principles of further management including appropriate therapeutic options

• An understanding of the epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections and of the diagnosis and treatment of such infections

• A knowledge of the management of HIV infection
Lectures and seminars
Small group tutorials
Clinical sessions
- Progestogens
- GnRH Analogues

- Tranexamic Acid
- Mefanamic Acid

- IM Steroids
- Tocolytics
- Syntocinon Ergometrine

- Oral Contraception
- Long Acting Progestogenic Contraceptives
- Barrier Methods
- Intra-Uterine Devices

- Doxycycline
- Azithromyscin Penicllins
- Cephalosporins
- Metronidazole
- Anti-Retrovirals
Self directed proforma, small group teaching feedback, written papers, OSCE TD 8b-e, 14g, 17b-g
Paediatrics (Year 4) A core knowledge of the epidemiology of common childhood illnesses, the management of these and knowledge of the pharmacology of medications used in treatments including drug safety in children.
Self directed proforma, written papers, OSCE TD 8b-e, 14g, 17b-g
Psychiatry (Year 4) • Discuss with patients and relatives the nature of their illness, management options and prognosis
• Knowledge of synaptic transmission, neuro-transmitter systems and relationship to psychopharmacology
• Use of psychotropic medicines in older people.
• Use of illicit drugs
• Negotiation of medication with patients
• Medication concordance and compliance
• Role of NICE guidelines
• Use of shared care arrangements
• Modes of delivery
• Prescribing psychotropic medication safely
• Prescribing for patients with no capacity
• Management of interactions and overdoses
Lectures including illicit drugs

Formative OSCE sessions

On-line interactive psychiatric case: management of dementia and delirium, and BPSD
- Antidepressants
- Antipsychotics
- Lithium
(see formulary for details of drugs)
Self directed proforma, written papers, OSCE (for learning and for progression) TD 14g, 17f

TD 8a,f

TD 8d, 14g, 16b,17a-d

TD 8f, 14g, 16b,
TD 17e

TD 18b
TD 8d, 14g, 16b,17a-d

TD 17c

TD 16b
Cancer and continuing care (Year 4) • Therapeutics and prescribing in acute and chronic disease and at the end of life
• acute exacerbations of chronic disease
• prescribing in chronic disease in terms of the complexity and co-morbidity
• prescribing in cancer and palliative care
• Recognise the WHO analgesic ladder and drugs commonly required for palliative care
• the role of other professionals and pharmacists in prescribing
• have an understanding of how clinical information systems support, therapeutics and prescribing in acute and chronic disease and at the end of life
• Prescribe appropriate drug treatment for patients with a range of problems and Long Term Conditions
• Principles of systemic cancer treatment and its delivery
• To recognise toxicities of cancer treatment
• Identify and use reference resources for prescribing
• How to prescribe cancer treatments safely – patient identification, poly-pharmacy, inter-current morbidity, previous toxicity
• The value of clinical research trials to current and future practice

Core lectures

Small group interactive work including practice prescribing

Elearning packages

Placement teaching

- Analagsics (Paracetamol, co-codamol, MST, Oramorph)
- Antiemetics (Metoclopramide, Cyclizine, Haloperidol, Levomepromazine, Domperidone, Dexamethasone)
- Laxatives (Lactulose, Senna, Movicol, Co-danthramer)
- Drugs used in the last days of life (hyoscine, midazolam, diamorphine, levomepromazine)
- anticancer treatments with cytotoxic, hormonal, immunological and cell signalling mechanisms
Self directed proforma, written papers, OSCE TD 8d, 14g, 14j,16b,17a-h
TD 8f, 17g

, 12a-b
Acute and critical care (Year 4) Acute/Emergency Care

• An understanding of commonly used drugs in the ED by clinical presentation
• Initial treatment and/or management plan for a wide range of clinical presentations as details in the ACC handbook

Anaesthetics/Critical Care

• Peri-operative care of a surgical patient
• Acute pain management
• Fluid management
• Recognition and management of medical emergencies.
• Prescribing intravenous fluids
• Setting up of intravenous infusions
• Preparation and safe administration of drugs including antibiotics
• Safe use of local anaesthetic agents and other anaesthetic drugs


Breathing problems

Bleeding and clotting problems


Severe Poisoning


Agitation & sedation

(UTI, cellulitis, pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis)

- Morphine
- Oxygen
- Nitrate (Buccal & IV)
- Aspirin
- Ticagrelor
- Atropine
- Adrenaline
- Adenosine
- Amiodarone
- Metoprolol
- Calcium chloride

- Salbutamol
- Ipratropium
- Oxygen
- Prednisiolone
- Alteplase
- Vitamin K
- Octaplex
- Warfarin
- Aspirin
- Clopidogrel
- Tranexamic acid (TXA)

- Opiates
- Paracetamol
- Ketamine
- Entonox
- Local anaesthetics
- Propofol

- Oxygen
- N-Acetylcysteine
- Diazepam
- Naloxone
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Insulin/dextrose

- Iv fluids
- Blood & transfusion products
- Inotropes

- Diazepam
- Lorazepam
- Haloperidol
- Propofol
- Ketamine

Common antibiotics

Anaesthetic drugs:
- Intravenous Induction agents
- Inhalational
- Neuromuscular blockers
- Inotropic agents
- Local anaesthetics
- Antiemetics and antacids
- Reversal agents
- Analgesic agents

Insulin (DKA)

Self directed proforma, written papers, OSCE TD 8b-e, 14g, 17b-g





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