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Presentations 2009

BALEN, R. C. RHODES, and WARD, L.  2009.  Poster Presentation: Narrative delivered through technology: “Mental Health - It’s Everyone’s Business”:  An inter-professional learning experience. Narrative, Memory and Ordinary Lives, Narrative & Memory Research Group 9th Annual Conference, University of Huddersfield, April 2009.
COATES, C.A., and I. ELLIS.  2009.  Mobile and e-learning in Health and Social Care placements.  ALPS & Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies seminar.  May 2009. 
COULBY, C., and J. LAXTON.  2009.  Mobile learning and assessment – the student experience and perspective.  Mobile Learning Conference. Work based learning in Education, London.
DEARNLEY, C.A. 2009.  ‘Key Note’ speaker, group facilitator and expert panel member for the plenary session of the Higher  Education Academy  Health Sciences and Practice ASSESSMENT SIG FEST, Birmingham.  4th November 2009.
DEARNLEY, C.A., and J. FAIRHALL.  2009.  Mobile learning: how can it work for you and your students? Sharing Good Practice.  8th Annual University of Bradford Learning, Teaching & Assessment Conference.  9th June 2009.
DEARNLEY, C., J. LAXTON. and J, TAYLOR.  2009.  Mobile Assessment of Work-Based Learning: Evaluation in Progress. ALT-C Conference, Manchester, September 2009.
DEARNLEY, C.A., M. OWENS, and D. CLANCY.  2009.  Beliefs, Knowledge and Knowing: Exploring their Relationship with Interprofessional Assessment. EIPEN (European International Professional Network in health and social care).  Second International Conference: Policies, Learning and Practice in European Interprofessional Education.  Finland.  September 2009.
ELLIS, I., J.D. TAYLOR, and C.A. 2009.  Embedding ALPS at Leeds Metropolitan University conference.  Leeds Metropolitan University.  January 2009.   
JOYNES, V., LAXTON, J., and T. WALKER T.  2009.  Practising and testing your teambuilding skills.  Student Centres for Excellence in Teaching & Learning, University of Leeds.  February 2009. 
KAPDI, A., and V. PANTIC.  2009.  The challenges when providing technology to support learning and teaching activities.  University of Leeds Learning & Teaching Conference. 9th January 2009.
KAPDI, A., and V. PANTIC.  2009.  Mobile technology to deliver learning and assessment for health and social care undergraduate students in practice settings. Create 2009 Conference, London.  July 2009.
LASCELLES, M., and J. LAXTON.  2009. Learning objects to enhance learning in practice settings across a variety of health professions. University of Leeds Learning & Teaching Conference. 9th January 2009.
LAXTON, J., C. PLEWS, and C. RHODES.  2009.  Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings: Opportunities and Challenges for Involvement. Authenticity to Action Conference, Cumbria.  November 2009.
MCCORMACK, A., C.THOMAS, and R. BALEN.  2009.  Sharing Real Lives: Children with Disabilities and their Families.  Workshop given at the Joint Social Work Education Conference, Hatfield.  7th – 10th July 2009.
OUSEY, K.J., and S.A.WHITE.  2009.  Developing a Multi-professional e-Learning Mentor Update Package, Conference Proceedings for 2009 International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning pp.103-107.  Cancun, Mexico.  1st – 7th February 2009. 
OUSEY, K.J., and S. A. WHITE.  2009.  Summary paper presentation “Using PBL to meet the needs of mandatory training in healthcare” - 2nd International PBL Symposium, Singapore.  10th – 12th June 2009.
RHODES, C., and K. PADGETT.  2009.  What Matters to US (Users of Services) in Shared Care and Decision Making.  School of Human & Health Sciences Research Conference.  University of Huddersfield.  27th March 2009.
RHODES, C., C. PADGETT, and J. SYMONS.  2009.  What Matters to US (Users of Services) in Shared Care and Decision Making.  Detecting the Evidence Research Conference. School of Healthcare, University of Northampton. 2nd April 2009.
RHODES, C., and E. POWELL. 2009.  Service User Involvement in the Selection of Students.  School of Human & Health Sciences Research Conference.  University of Huddersfield.  27th March 2009.
RHODES, C. and S. SMITH.  2009. Digital Storytelling in Learning & Teaching.  School of Human & Health Sciences Festival of Learning.  University of Huddersfield.  1st May 2009.
TAYLOR, J.D.  2009.  Using e Portfolios in Health.  University of Cumbria e learning lunchtime symposium.  27th  May 2009.
TAYLOR, J.D.  2009.  ALPS and e portfolios, Technology Enhanced Network meeting.  Leeds Metropolitan University.  28th May 2009.
TAYLOR, J.D., and C.A. COATES.  2009.  Progressing mobile and e-learning within Dietetics Practice Learning.  North West England Practice Educators Network Forum.   Manchester.  January 2009.
TAYLOR, J.D., and C.A. COATES. 2009.  Progressing mobile and e-learning in Health and Social Care.  Salford University Midwifery Mentor Conference.  February 2009. 
TAYLOR, J.D., and C.A. COATES.  2009.  Progressing mobile and e-learning in health and social care.  FAITE conference.  Leeds Metropolitan University.   March 2009.
WALKER, S.  2009.  Mobility, Learning and Mobile Learning presented at the Higher Education Academy Research Seminar Series: The Inclusive Campus: institutional strategies, culture change and new research: Access and Success for All; University of Bradford.  18th November 2009.
WHITE, S.  2009:  Poster and formal presentation – Developing a Multi-professional e-Learning Mentor Update Package.  International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning, Cancun, Mexico.  February 2009.

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ALPS Conference 2010
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PSRB Workshops
The proceedings from the 4 annual Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies workshops

ALPS ALT-C Pre-Conference Workshop