>If you were unable to obtain feedback from any sources please explain why?
(Tutor) It is great to see that you managed to get feedback from so many different perspectives. Well done.
>Looking at your reflections and feedback from other sources what were your strengths during this process of obtaining consent from a service user?
I think I was very supportive of the patient and introduced myself properly. I was right to have a chaperone in with me, particularly as the patient was female. I took into consideration her mental state at the time – she was worried, but not unduly distressed.
(Tutor)Good that you picked up on the fact that the patient was worried and took this into consideration. In the service user feedback, She has said that you put her at ease. What skills did you use to do this?
>Looking at your reflections and feedback from other sources what were your areas for development during this process of obtaining consent from a service user?
Further explanation might be better in future – in the sort of words a patient might understand better.
(Tutor)Well done for thinking about your feedback and identifying this as an area for improvement. Reflection and self-regulated improvement is the best way to benefit from completing these formative assessments.
>What actions are you going to take to improve your practice in this area? Include timescales
Next time I examine a patient.
(Tutor)What are you planning to do next time you examine a patient? If appropriate it may be a good idea to get some feedback from the next patient you examine, to check your progress.
>How will you use this assessment as evidence? (E.g. placement assessment/portfolio, PDP etc)
For my PDP session with my personal tutor
>I have agreed this plan with my practice assessor
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