Tuesday 11 September 2007
University of Leeds
The second annual seminar of Working in Partnership: ALPS and the Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Bodies, was held and attended by representatives from most of the 16 Statutory and Regulatory and a variety of the Professional Bodies.
The aims for the day included reporting back on progress made in relation to issues raised by the PSRBs at last year’s inaugural seminar. Delegates were also invited to identify potential challenges to interprofessional assessment and to contribute to the discussion on developing a framework to interprofessionally assess students with multiple codes of ethics.
The seminar programme is shown below with the accompanying presentations
A full report of the day is available here (includes all presentations)
10.15 |
Professor Trudie Roberts, ALPS Director |
10.25 |
ALPS Update
Peter Gray (ALPS York St John Partner Lead) |
 Peter Gray |
11.15 |
ALPS – The issues of interprofessional assessment
Chris Stogdon (ALPS Huddersfield) &
Clare Smith (ALPS Learning Development Officer) |
 Case Studies |
13.15 |
Ethical practice – how to develop a framework to interprofessionally assess
students with multiple codes of ethics
Dr Janet Holt (ALPS Leeds) & Diane Cotterill (ALPS York St John) |
Janet Holt
Diane Cotterill
15.00 |
Plenary & action plan
Peter Gray (ALPS York St John Partner Lead) &
Trish Walker (ALPS Programme Manager) |