The ALPS Competency in Practice Assessment (CIPA) project is a large scale piece of research in to the perceived confidence and competence of graduates to practice. Piloted in 2008, it is a longitudinal data collection tool which asks students to rate their competence and confidence to practice at point of graduation, 6 months, and 12 months post graduation. Starting in January 2009, CIPA is now sent out to all graduating cohorts involved in the ALPS programme.more...
Do professional beliefs about knowledge and knowing impact on interprofessional assessment?.
The research will investigate the beliefs about knowledge and knowing and how this influences assessment in individual health care 'professions'. If each profession has fundamentally different values there will be consequences for the practice of interprofessional assessment. more...
Understanding communication, team working and ethical practice in professional practice.
This will be a qualitative study with the overall aim of exploring what practitioners understand communication, team working and ethical practice to mean in their profession. more...
Service User involvement in practice based assessment of students: a pilot study of an ALPS assessment tool.
This is an exploratory study of service users and/or carers (SUC) participation in assessment. The overall aim of the project is to explore how SUC can make a meaningful contribution to student assessment. more...
Research Capacity Projects
ALPS has funded a number of capacity projects more... |