The Lived Experience Network

The Sunderland Showcase 12 07-12-16

Sunderland Showcase Slides - Dr Lesley Scott

Sunderland PCPI Flyer

Sunderland PCPI Handbook

Sunderland Staff PCPI Handbook

Sunderland PCPI Role Profile

Tour of the new facilities:

We had a tour of the clinical skills centre – they have an immersive interactive suite which they use for paramedic training which was fantastic. It involved a purpose built room with interactive walls which you could adapt to specific settings (A&E, street, bonfire etc) to help recreate the image / sounds of that particular context. The one of A&E was really impressive as students were doing skills training within a noisy department via the simulated walls. The company is called immersive interactive Website is

Afternoon group discussion = what are some of the benefits to patients and carers getting involved?

Group 1:

What are some of the benefits of being a Patient Carer Public Involvement (PCPI) and Patient | Carer Community (PCC) member?

  • Its empowering and rewarding
  • Helps teach self-management
  • Provides opportunities to socialise with different ages and be an active member of society
  • Prevents isolation
  • Provides opportunities to be heard and listened to
  • It's enjoyable and fun
  • Helps to build confidence, particularly in challenging health professionals
  • Members feel valued and useful
  • Impart knowledge, wisdom and years of experience
  • Become part of a community and support network
  • Make new friends and meet new people
  • Welcome students to our University and City
  • Improves physical and mental health
  • Increases knowledge of their own illnesses, medicine and the hospital system
  • Learn new skills and refresh old ones
  • There is enough variation and scope in the work that members feel like they can develop, grow and progress

One member said the best thing was getting a cuddle at the end and them saying “I can’t thank you enough” because they thought they came across as an intimidating person.

Group 2:

  • What are some of the benefits of being a PCPI member?
  • 'I felt more empowered and informed to go back to my GP and talk about my condition'
  • Social engagements
  • Educating the health professionals
  • 'Well if you don't use it you lose it! I had to think more about my lifestyle and how I could keep my mind and body going and not giving up.'
  • 'I wanted to know what medication I was taking. So I've learned so much information that I can impart to and from the pharmacy students because it's a two way process.'
  • 'I enjoy telling my story so they can see me as a person and not a condition, it helps to build relationships.'
  • Better relationship with my Community Pharmacist

Group 3:

For PCPI participants

  • Increased confidence in dealing with Health Care professionals
  • Empathy for Health care Professionals
  • Understanding of pressures on Health Care services
  • Better understanding / impact of various conditions, medications, treatments etc.
  • Less fearful of treatments and their consequences
  • Helpful in an individual's personal journey providing a forum to openly discuss fears, worries, experiences and explore issues from a different perspective
  • Provides a useful way of engaging in a social/ pseudo work scenario.
  • Provides a raison d’être where there has been a need to give up work through illness
  • Less time spent ruminating on the negative aspects of an illness giving a more positive outlook and less need to engage with other Health Care professionals
  • Making use of generic skills used in previous employment in exam scenarios, interviewing new applicants to courses, training etc. giving a sense of self-worth utilising valuable skillsets which would otherwise go to waste
  • Learn about other cultures from overseas students
  • Explore emotional issues in a safe environment

For students

  • Engaging with real people with real conditions allows them to develop high level skills in dealing with patients in the real world
  • Safe learning environment but with real people/conditions
  • Allowed to make mistakes and learn without real world consequences
  • Improve and develop communication skills
  • Learn to enjoy interacting with people from a wide variety of backgrounds….age, gender, disability, experience etc.
  • Long term benefits in success academically and employability

For others

  • Improves reputation of the university and complies with current guidance on engaging with patients and carers
  • Attracts students and income
  • Gives a powerful voice at a national level on how to improve standards in Health Care
  • Longevity and success of scheme allows for a model which can be shared as best practice
  • Need to explore cost/benefit analysis
  • Need to engage with other disciplines
  • Need to communicate effectively with various interest groups
  • Benefits to PCPI participants could be a justification for use by other agencies to utilise participation by patients as a clinical tool.