The Lived Experience Network
An international network set up and led by Jools Symons in July 2012.
188 Members from 83 Institutions across 6 countries
Who are we?
A network of people with a shared interest in patient & public involvement (PPI) in higher education, who aim to develop a critical alliance of people with lived experiences, students and academics for the purpose of enhancing and improving practitioner education, patient and carer experience and associated research in health and social care.
What is our purpose?
- To enhance student learning and practitioner education through the sharing of best practice, innovation and resources
- To support, develop and facilitate PPI through narrative, voices, and experiences, in health and social care education.
- To support, prepare and empower people to become involved in student learning.
- To showcase and celebrate our achievements.
What are out principles and values?
- Working together to co-produce resources and share practice in a friendly, fun, caring and compassionate environment.
Modelling partnership working by valuing each other experience, knowledge and contribution
- Co-operation and collaboration not competition
What is our strategic direction?
- Informing national practice and policy, through people who use services, informing people who work and will work within services
- Providing aspirational and inspirational education.
- Support PPI in Higher Education
- Form an alliance between practitioners, patients & carers and students.