Oxycodone is twice as potent as morphine. It is the preferred drug for patients with renal impairment (egfr 50 or below). It is available in the same formulations as morphine ie modified release tablets, immediate release capsules, immediate release oral solution, ampoules of solution for subcutaneous injection. The potency of oxycodone should be taken into consideration when being prescribed for an opioid naïve patient and lower starting doses used. When converting from an established dose of morphine to oxycodone the oxycodone dose should be half of the morphine dose.

A patient on MST 90mg BD is admitted with nausea and vomiting and is found to have an an eGFR of 40. They are commenced on IV fluids but also need their morphine converted to oxycodone. What dose will you prescribe?

Total daily dose of morphine is 180mg.
For equivalent oxycodone divide this by 2 (180/2) = 90mg Divide by 2 for BD dosing ( 90/2) = 45mg oxycodone modified release BD.
For PRN/breakthrough/as required immediate release oxycodone dose divide the total 24 hour modified release dose by 6.
90 / 6 = 15mg oxycodone immediate release oral solution as required.

Copyright eBook 2019, University of Leeds, Leeds Institute of Medical Education.