What is Careers Guidance (in the context of the tutor role)?
The crossover between careers guidance and the role of the tutor has long been recognised and tutors will often get involved in supporting students to make career decisions. When considering what Careers Guidance is and what it isn't, it is useful to think of the careers interview as setting out to achieve 4 main outcomes:-
D - Decision Making O - Opportunity Awareness T - Transition Skills S - Self Awareness |
This framework is known as DOTS and is a useful tool to measure the success of a careers guidance intervention.
Careers Guidance isn't about finding the right job for someone; making decisions for them; advising them based on your own subjective experience or coaching them in job search skills. Guidance is about facilitating individuals to develop sound decision making skills to enable effective choices and transitions.
Quality Careers Guidance ensures that people develop the self awareness and skills needed to manage a successful and satisfying career.
For the undergraduate medical student, careers guidance can increase motivation on their undergraduate studies, ensure smoother transitions occur between degree, the foundation years and beyond and increase their knowledge of particular specialties, their own suitability and where the current opportunities are.
University of Leeds, School of Medicine