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Writing measurable learning objectives

Learning objectives are no different to any other kind of objective in that they should be SMARTER.








Specific objectives can mean the difference between achievement or otherwise of that objective. For example "learning about" is not a good objective as there is no way to know if you have learnt enough about a subject by the end of a programme.

Poor objective: To encourage participants to learn about aims and objectives

Better objective: To provide a guide that will enable participants to write effective aims and objectives for their own programmes of study by the end of the e-learning programme.

Similarly we cannot measure achievement if we do not have something to evaluate against. It could be that this means you evaluate learners' knowledge, skills and attitudes prior to commencement of the teaching or programme, formally or informally and then again at the conclusion of the session or the end of the programme.

Considering if the objective is achievable and realistic within the time frame available is also important. Given enough time and resource it is possible to learn a great deal about a certain subject, or master a very difficult skill. However usually we have a prescriptive time frame when teaching, therefore due consideration must be given to the level of knowledge, skill or attitudinal development that can realistically be achieved by those with no or limited previous knowledge/ experience.

Following a teaching session or programme it is important to evaluate the teaching itself, did the learners achieve the objectives, and was every opportunity provided through correct selection of teaching content, delivery and assessment? If not we must review what could have worked better, and be prepared to alter aspects of teaching and assessment to improve the teaching programme itself.

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