From:                                         McLean, Elspeth []

Sent:                                           19 December 2012 10:40

To:                                               Jools Symons

Subject:                                     A big thank you!


Follow Up Flag:                      Flag for follow up

Flag Status:                              Flagged


Hi Jools and co


Many thanks for yesterday’s get together, it was a really good day where lots of things got done. I found it really useful to chat to people about what they are doing, and I really enjoyed the presentations, which were all very helpful and interesting.


Much appreciated! And I got back to the station in plenty of time for my train  with the help of  Joanie’s excellent directions, which were much better than the official ones, do pass on my thanks!


Looking forward to meeting up again. I’m just thinking that maybe some of us from FOCUS - NW could come and visit you all at some point, now I have found out how easy it is to get to Leeds? I will suggest it and  get back in touch if people are up for it.


Hope the festive season goes well for you all.


Best wishes




Elspeth McLean

Staff Development Officer

University of Liverpool, School of Health Sciences

Room 1.17, Whelan Building

Brownlow Hill


L69 3GB

tel 0151 - 794-5911

mob  07906 227 440
